Sunday 30 August 2015

History of Sri Sannati Chandrala Parameshwari Temple

King called Rajasena had a daughter Chandrala. The king began searching for a groom for his beloved daughter and organised a ‘Swayamvara' for this purpose. The princes had to see the reflection of an metal pillar in the water and bring it down to win the hand of the princess. No prince was willing to take up such a challenging task and the king was in despair. 

Some days later, a goddess appeared in his dreams and told him that the one who will wed his daughter will come to the town garden the next day. The next day, Narayana Muni, a handsome young man came to the town and was given a grand welcome by the king who requested him to take up the task and marry his daughter. Though he initially declined, he later agreed. 

The couple got married and were living on the banks of the Bheema river when the eyes of an evil king fell on the beautiful Chandrala. Trying to escape from the clutches of the king, Chandrala vowed to do penance for 40 days. She then went to the Someshwara temple and sought sanctuary from the evil designs of the king. Meanwhile, Narayana Muni, seeing that his wife was missing and guessing that the king must be behind her disappearance, vowed to set things right. He went to the Hingula Peeth near Kashmir and prayed to Goddess Hingulambake. 

The Goddess promised to help him out on one condition: that he should walk in front of her, showing her the way but should not turn back and look at her until he reaches his town. Narayana Muni agreed. The clanking of the Goddess' anklets was his only clue to whether she was following him. But at the banks of the River Bheema, the twittering of the birds and the swishing of the river drowned the anklet sound and he inadvertently turned round. Immediately, the Goddess became a stone and told him that she would stay there. She also gave him a coconut telling him that there were bees inside it and he should take it to the evil king. When the coconut was broken at the king's palace, several thousands of bees came out of it and attacked the king who jumped into the river and drowned. Even today, there is a ‘Seethuraja Maduvu' near the river. Chandrala became one with the God even before she could complete her penance. In memory of this legend, every year, the Chandrala Parameshwari Devi Mahotsav is held during the Navaratri festival. The temple has a history of nearly 800 years and was renovated in 1985. 

Locally known as ‘Sannati,' devotees come from all over the State for a glimpse of this ancient temple, situated around 20 km from Nalavar.


  1. Replies
    1. This is from jyoti s kagavade
      By the grace of goddes u have done a good creation
      Thank you God bless you please can u add more songs
